The Omics of Eating Behaviors Symposium
Date: December 9, 2010
Location: Greenbelt Marriot Hotel, 6400 Ivy Lane, Greenbelt, MD USA

Biological processes play a significant role in the foods that people choose to eat and can be broadly defined and encompass genetic make-up to physiological factors. Mechanisms responsible for individual differences in dietary response are not well understood. More recent research has begun to focus on nutrient-gene interactions. Environmental factors play a significant role in making dietary choices. Environment encompasses more than commonly associated factors such as chemical toxins, pesticide exposure, smoking, etc., but also includes dietary habits. Genomic, proteomic, metabalomic, and bioinformatic techniques are beginning to facilitate the study of gene-nutrient interactions at the cell, individual and population level. All of these encompass the term "nutrigenomics". It is known that there are underlying genetic components in determining food choices. Therefore, there is a need for a better understanding of the role molecular mechanisms play in making dietary choices. This workshop focused on the genetic underpinnings related to food choice.



"Omics" and Dietary Behaviors Kathleen Ellwood
The Genetics of Eating Behaviors and Dietary Choice Louis Perusse
Genetics and Dietary Preferences John Milner
Gene Polymorphism and Dietary Preferences Almed El-Sohemy
Genetic Imprinting Randy Jirtle
Gene Polymorphism and Carbohydrate Diets James Ntambi
Genetic Variations, "Taste" and Dietary Behaviors Valerie Duffy
Workshop Wrap-Up